Paste landing page url and extract video

Jul 16, 2022
Vik Karanovich wrote
Currently I have to hunt for a compatible video URL, why can't I just type the landing page and YeetDI will scan the webpage for compatible URLs. I've been trying everything to try and find a compatible url for vimeo that's embedded on a page, and I can't figure out how to download the video.
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Jul 16, 2022
Development Team agent wrote
Hi Vik Karanovich,

Thanks for contacting us, we are sorry that you are having problems with YeetDL.

We will definitely consider your suggestion, We've just added it to our To-Do list and will study its technical viability. As for Vimeo embedded videos, you can always use the "Share" button on the top-right corner of the player window. A URL will show up which you can copy and paste into YeetDL. We've attached a couple snapshots to guide you through the process.

Thanks for your contribution to YeetDL, your feedback always helps us make YeetDL a better product.

Development Team.